The Beacon

The BEACON is a blog for sharing ongoing light news about employees and events happening around post offices and plants in the Northern New England District of the U.S. Postal Service

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Round Pond Postmaster Receives 30-Year Award

Recently, Round Pond, ME Postmaster Steve Culpovich was presented with a Service Award Pin in recognition of 30 years of federal employment. 

Culpovich started his first postal job in July 1985 after serving four years in the U.S. Air Force. He worked as a clerk, a carrier, a janitor and a part-time supervisor. Ten years later, he landed a permanent position in Waterville before serving as OIC in Anson and Hinckley. 

He remembers that when he applied for postmaster positions and visited Round Pond for the first time, he drove into the ocean village, watched the harbor come into view and thought, "This could be nice." He was appointed postmaster in 1995. 

Culpovich says, "I like working with people, and enjoy my customers.They've treated me well." He credits his coworkers for making his job easier. Culpovich plans to finish his career in Round Pond and put in another six to eight years before retiring.

In the letter accompanying Culpovich's pin, District Manager Deborah Essler wrote, "The Postal Service owes a great deal to the loyalty and dedication of its employees. This award is a symbol of ... deep appreciation for a career of commendable service." (Photo by J.W. Oliver, The Lincoln News)